Stuart Bailey

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Frogmore & Yateley East ward Learn more

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Operation Stroghold Comes to Yateley

by stuartbailey on 12 August, 2014

A series of roadshows offering an opportunity to speak to a local police officer and a community safety officer will take place in Yateley in August.

Called “Operation Stronghold”, the information stalls will give people the chance to seek advice on issues such as home safety. As well as providing information and offering a limited number of home security tools such as letterbox defenders and padlocks, people will also be encouraged to join their local Neighbourhood Watch scheme.

The roadshows have been organised by the Safer North Hampshire partnership, which is comprised of the community safety teams of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, Hart District Council and Rushmoor Borough Council. The three teams are the first in Hampshire to join forces to be more efficient, flexible and save money.

Safer North Hampshire Community Safety Projects Officer, Richard Denham said: “Most thefts from the home and vehicles are opportunistic, which means that a criminal has seen a weakness and exploited it. They will get in and out quickly. There are many measures we can all take to deter criminals, and make life as hard for them as possible. We need to ensure Hart is a hostile place for criminals and remains a low crime area.”
•Wednesday 13 August 11:00 – 13:00 Frogmore Leisure Centre, Yateley
•Saturday 30 August 10:00 – 13:00 Outside Waitrose, Yateley

Anyone who would like an informal chat can attend at the times above.

For more information or to view a copy of our home and vehicle security leaflet visit


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