Stuart Bailey

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Frogmore & Yateley East ward Learn more

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This Thursday is the biggest local election in our area for over 10 years

by stuartbailey on 21 May, 2014

This Thursday is the biggest local election in our area for over 10 years. Whilst we normally only get the opportunity to vote for a third of the council each year, this year, due to boundary changes all the seats at Hart District Council are up for election. Over the last few weeks along with my Lib Dem colleagues it has been encouraging to have so much positive feedback about the work that we have done in representing our community at a local level. With the threat of unwanted development in Yateley a major issue, it is more important than ever to have a strong experienced team of Lib Dem councillors.

The national press may have focussed a lot on the Euro elections but in many respects it’s what happens locally that has the biggest impact on our lives. So please do find time tomorrow to visit the polling station. This year we have three votes at the local election. For those living in Yateley East and Darby Green please use your vote wisely and vote for Dave Neighbour, Graham Cockarill and Stuart Bailey. lib dem winning here

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