Liberal Democrat Councillor for Frogmore & Yateley East ward Learn more
by stuartbailey on 20 May, 2012
At the recent district elections the Conservatives lost 3 seats and control of the council. The new make up of the council is:
Conservatives 16
Liberal Democrat 10
Community Campaign Hart [CCH] 7
Independents 2
Over the last two weeks since the election Lib Dem councillors have been looking to establish a council where the cabinet [that makes most of the decisions] reflected the views of the council as a whole and not just one particular group. Unfortunately at the annual council meeting on Thursday the Conservatives decided to turn down the opportunity and the cabinet is made up only from councillors from the Conservative group. We will work as a constructive opposistion aware that if policies are brought forward that are not in the wider interest of residents we can, with the support from other groups vote the policy down.
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